
Just checking in quotes
Just checking in quotes

just checking in quotes

In a professional context, you can send a client or co-worker a link to an article that reminds you of them.

just checking in quotes

Don’t pressure them to respond, but just give them the information that you’d like to know how they’re doing. In a polite or formal email, it’s often a good idea to let the person know the purpose of the message right away. Sometimes the best way to say “just checking in” is to just come out and say it. Here are some ideas for messages you can include in a formal check-in email. It’s best to do so in an email, and it’s a good idea to word your note more formally. If you know your co-worker, manager, or client has lost someone or is going through a rough patch, you can send a polite check-in message. You don’t have to be someone’s best friend or family member to check in on them if you know they’re struggling.


How to Politely Say ‘Just Checking In’ in a Formal Email Tip: If you're "just checking in" on a family member or friend because they recently lost someone, our post-loss checklist might be worth sharing. If you’re not sure how to word your “just checking in” email or message, whether it’s to a work acquaintance or a close friend, the ideas below can help you get started.

  • How to Say ‘Just Checking In On You’ After the Recipient Experienced a Loss or Tragedy.
  • ‘Just Checking In to See How You’re Doing’ Messages for a Friend or Family Member.
  • How to Politely Say ‘Just Checking In’ in a Formal Email.
  • Sending a brief email, direct message, or text to let them know you’re thinking about them can help them feel supported and loved. If someone in your life is going through a hard time, you might want to quickly check-in to see how they’re doing. As an Amazon Associate, we earn from qualifying purchases. We also may earn commission from purchases made through affiliate links. We follow a strict editorial process to provide you with the best content possible.

    Just checking in quotes