
East star order
East star order

east star order

Ruth – Shares the lesson of Honor and Justice.Adah – Shares the lesson of Duty of Obedience to the will of God.Organist – provides music for the meetings.Marshal – presents the Flag and leads in all ceremonies.Associate Conductress – Prepares candidates for initiation, assists the conductress with introductions and handles the ballot box.Conductress – Leads visitors and initiations.Treasurer – takes care of monies of the Chapter.Secretary – takes care of all correspondence and minutes.Associate Patron – assumes the duties of the Worthy Patron in the absence of that officer.Associate Matron – assumes the duties of the Worthy Matron in the absence of that officer.Worthy Patron – a Master Mason who provides general supervision.

#East star order full#

There are 18 main officers in a full chapter: Electa represents the virtue of endurance of persecution. In Eastern Star, Electa is represented by the color red and a chalice. Electa (the "elect lady" from II John), the mother.Martha represents the virtue of endurance in trial. In Eastern Star, Martha is represented by the color green and a broken column. Martha, sister of Mary and Lazarus, from the Gospel of Luke and the Gospel of John.In Eastern Star, Esther is represented by the color white and a crown and scepter. Esther, the wife from the Book of Esther.Ruth represents the virtue of religious principles. In Eastern Star, Ruth is represented by the color yellow and a sheaf of barley. Ruth, the widow from the Book of Ruth.Adah represents the virtue of obedience to duty. In Eastern Star, Adah is represented by the color blue and a sword and veil. Adah ( Jephthah's daughter, from the Book of Judges).The character-building lessons taught in the Order are stories inspired by Biblical figures: In the Chapter room, the downward-pointing white ray points to the West. The meaning of the letters FATAL surrounding the center pentagon in the emblem is only revealed to members of the Order. The emblem of the Order is a five-pointed star with the white ray of the star pointing downwards towards the manger. Committees formed at that time created the Ritual of the Order of the Eastern Star in more or less its current form. The "General Grand Chapter" was formed in Indianapolis, Indiana on November 6, 1876. 1 became the first Prince Hall Affiliate chapter of the Order of the Eastern Star when it was established in Washington, D.C. On December 1, 1874, Queen Esther Chapter No. Macoy organized the current system of Chapters, and modified Dr. Morris started working with Robert Macoy, and handed the Order over to him while Morris was traveling in the Holy Land. By 1855, he had organized a "Supreme Constellation" in New York, which chartered chapters throughout the United States. While confined by illness, he set down the principles of the order in his Rosary of the Eastern Star. The Order was created by Rob Morris in 1850 when he was teaching at the Eureka Masonic College in Richland, Mississippi. Signage at the Order of the Eastern Star birthplace, the Little Red Schoolhouse

East star order